Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Back From the Grave

So, I have a this old ruby red iMac computer that has been sitting for a few years because it would no longer boot up. The other day, I was looking through a box of old software and found a Norton Utilities CD I forgot I had. I quickly took it along with my external CD drive and dug out my old iMac.

I fired it up and booted off the Norton CD and ran the disk repair tool. Lo and behold, it worked! My old friend was back from the grave. Not only did I regain access to my sorely missed Graphic Design software and files, I also had access to our old family pictures and videos. I felt stupid knowing the solution to fixing it had been within my grasp all along. Several years wasted wishing it had been working put me in a bad mood after just having had my spirits lifted by fixing it.

The re-discovery of the pictures and videos lifted my spirits again. The videos were by far the most interesting. Seeing and hearing my kids when they were little brought me a lot of smiles and laughter.

A while back I was telling my wife how glad I was that our kids were well out of diapers and all that other baby stuff. After seeing the videos from ten years ago, I felt sad in some way that they were older. I miss how cute they were and watching them learning to walk and talk. For me it made the feeling that they have grown up way too fast, that more prevalent. Or maybe it was the realization, and probably the more true reason, that I didn’t fully appreciate them and they joy they brought at the time we were living it, triggering thoughts that I wasn’t a very good parent.

I hope that I am the only one that has encountered this type of situation. I would hate to think that watching old videos and looking at old pictures of your children would illicit such a response in others. It is not a happy thought considering how happy watching them made me.

I guess fixing my old computer was both a blessing and a curse.

This post was written using an Alphasmart 3000

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