Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Fit Bit and the Wii Fit

For Christmas, I got a Fit Bit Surge. I had mentioned something to my wife about it while I was working at Macy's as a seasonal picker. I did a lot of walking during the ten hour sifts and mentioned that it would have been cool to know exactly how far I walked each night.

By the time Christmas rolled around, I was informed that my services as a seasonal employee was no longer needed. So, I didn't really get to see how far I was walking while working but I still like the device.

It has given me insight into how lazy I am while not working so I decided to get my lazy ass onto the treadmill, going on walks and resuming using the Wii Fit. I actually did see some weight loss the last time I used the Wii Fit, but had a hard time getting into a routine.

Since it is the new year and I now can track my progress better, I have decided to try as hard as I can to keep exercising in some manner, every day. According to the Wii Fit, I am overweight and my Wii Fit age is 51. I am actually 50. Now, if I could just get a job to keep us from going bankrupt. I found that no one really wants to hire a 50 year old with grey hair. But that is a story for another day.
I am hopign that the combination of the two and quitting soda will at least get me in the right direction.

I have gotten soft in the middle after ten years as a stay-at-home dad and need to get healthy, not just for my sake, but for my family's.

Now, if I could just get a job to keep us from going bankrupt. I found that no one really wants to hire a 51 year old with grey hair. But that is a story for another day.

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